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Aging Gracefully, Laughing Hysterically: How to Stay Young in Spirit


I’ve had quite a few discussions recently about aging! Even the book my group discussed this month had that as its central focus. I can’t get away from it.
Frankly, aging isn’t something I want to avoid! So here’s my latest blog post: Aging Gracefully, Laughing Hysterically: How to Stay Young in Spirit
Aging is inevitable, but who says we have to take it too seriously? As the years go by, it's essential to maintain a youthful mindset and embrace the joys of life with laughter. Here are my tips on how to stay young in spirit while growing older (maybe gracefully, but def with a smile.)
Embrace Technology (Even if You're Confused):
Sure, smartphones, apps, and social media can be overwhelming for those who grew up without them. Embrace your techno-trepidation and laugh at yourself when you accidentally post a selfie upside down or send a text to the wrong person. Remember, it's never too late to become an accidental trendsetter!
Find Joy in the Little Things (Like Misplacing Your Glasses or looking for your phone, while it’s in your hand):
As we age, misplacing things becomes somewhat of a daily routine. Instead of getting frustrated, why not see the humor in it? Spend a few minutes laughing hysterically as you search for your glasses, only to find them right atop your head.
Embrace the Fashion of Yesteryears (And Still Rock It):
Fashion trends come and go, but why not bring back some nostalgic styles from your younger days? Dig out those bell-bottoms, polka-dotted skirts, or neon leg warmers and rock them with pride. What can a woman over 50 wear? Anything she damn well pleases!
Master the Art of Dad Jokes:
If there's one thing that never gets old, it's a good old-fashioned dad joke. Channel your inner punster and sprinkle some cheesy humor into your conversations. Whether it's a classic knock-knock joke or a groan-worthy pun, sharing laughter with others is a surefire way to keep your mind young and your spirits high.
Indulge in Playfulness:
As children, we had boundless energy and an unwavering sense of playfulness. As we grow older, it's important not to lose that spark. Engage in hobbies and activities that bring out your inner child, whether it's playing board games or dancing like nobody's watching. Actually, let them watch. Embracing playfulness keeps your spirit young and helps you create lifelong memories.
Age is just a number, but a good laugh is, well, timeless! So go have a good one!
