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Showing posts from June, 2023

Embrace Curiosity, Ditch the Judgments: Unlocking Your Unstoppable Mindset

  Ever since that brilliant teacher Ted Lasso talked about being curious, I've been wanting to write this blog! In a world obsessed with snap judgments and closed-mindedness, it's time to break free from the chains of judgment and embrace the power of curiosity. Curiosity not only expands our horizons but also fuels personal growth and connection. So, let's get edgy and explore why being curious, not judgmental, is the ultimate game-changer. Unleash Your Inner Rebel: Curiosity is rebellion against the status quo. It challenges the norm, defies assumptions, and opens doors to uncharted territories. It's time to ditch the judgmental mindset that holds you back and embrace the audacious power of curiosity. Empathy Starts with Curiosity: Instead of instantly judging others, why not pause and get curious? Curiosity allows us to put ourselves in someone else's shoes, truly understand their story, and cultivate empathy. It's time to trade in our judgmental goggles for...

How's your laundry (or are you taking care of yourself)?

  When folx ask how I am, I find myself often responding, "busy." And all too often recently, "too busy." I have a simple measure for my busyness. How many pairs of underwear are in my laundry pile. My laundry should have about seven pairs of underwear in it. Today it had 30. And why do I have 30 pairs of underwear? Well, when I'm ridiculously busy, I stop and buy new pairs -- because as mom always said, you must wear clean underwear. How many times have I been overscheduled that I couldn't stop to do laundry, and now have over 30 pairs of underwear!?!? Obviously, 'busy" is not a good response to 'how are you." It means I'm too scheduled to even think about my health - physical and mental. And, if I stopped to think about it, the real response would be something like, "I'm tired. I'm missing my deep connections. I'm away from home too much. I need some rest and fun." One of the casualties of leading a perpetually b...

Disruptor here.

  Changing my title to Professional Disrupter. As a professional Interim Director, my job is to look at the systems in place in an organization, and figure out if the organization can better serve the clients, staff, and community through change or process improvements. It often means shaking up systems that have been in place, but not necessarily serving those they were meant to serve. Disruption isn’t easy. Change isn’t easy. Heather Simmons wrote, “Those who disrupt their industries change consumer behavior, alter economics, and transform lives.” Disruptor here. Barbara