Back in 2009, during an earlier economic challenging time, Barbara was part of a collaborative consulting practice, Common Bond LLC, which focused on best practices around Partnerships, Collaborations, and Mergers for nonprofit organizations.
Given the current environment, we thought it might be worth revisiting a White Paper issued by Common Bond. Please share your thoughts.
"Organizational partnerships are a powerful tool for increasing the effectiveness and impact of non-profit and public sector entities in New Jersey and beyond ... Organizational partnerships encourage a continuum of services and products; greater marketing capabilities; new business models and approaches; economies of scale; and access to new resources. Private and public sector funders can utilize innovative financing tools from challenge grants to recoverable grants/loans to purchase service agreements. The current economic and political environment offers an excellent time to expand partnership initiatives and Common Bond is encouraging public and private sector leaders to create guiding principles and strategies for partnership development; fund cross-sectoral work; identify increased market-based opportunities; and launch demonstrations and pilots for testing new partnership models."
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