Most people will leave several jobs during their career. Some are happy separations and some aren't, but whatever the circumstances under which you leave, it can be difficult to say goodbye.
It's important to understand that, in the process of leaving, not only are you saying goodbye to co-workers, but also routines, places, projects that you've poured your blood, sweat and tears into, familiarity, even parking attendants and coffee baristas. Leaving a job can be just as trying as ending a romance. Career changes involve a good deal more stress, friction, disruption, and risk than simply staying on a more linear, traditional career path.
When a good change happens, by your own accord or through job transitions, accept it with grace - for yourself and for others. You may not believe you deserve it, or you just may not be ready for it, even if it was of your choosing, but the way to move forward and get the most out of it is to embrace the positivity, however it shows up.
Leaving a job feels big, it is big. But change is one of life's constants, and while we usually don’t notice the little or the expected changes; it’s when you are caught off-guard, even if that change is by our own doing, that we can get discombobulated. The trick is to know that it is just one of the millions of changes that are going to happen in our lives.
Remember, the career change journey, like any major life transition, need not be undertaken alone. Reach out for support when you need it, and remember that you will have good days – and days when you want to crawl back into your comfort zone and stay there. A career transition is not always as easy as we think it will be, we plan for the financial, we brush up our resumes and beef up our LinkedIn profiles, but we rarely plan for the emotional issues - the saying goodbye and letting go.
Plan to say good-bye by acknowledging that we grow as people while we work; we made memories, had laughs, and made friendships. Our co-workers became friends that helped kept us motivated and inspired, even on our bad days. Plan to say good-bye to all that has been associated with that job, the good, the bad, the well-known, and the habitual. Be intentional about it.
Let yourself experience the emotions that come with this change. By changing perspective on the loss and embracing the new horizons you can experience growth in your life and career.
It's important to understand that, in the process of leaving, not only are you saying goodbye to co-workers, but also routines, places, projects that you've poured your blood, sweat and tears into, familiarity, even parking attendants and coffee baristas. Leaving a job can be just as trying as ending a romance. Career changes involve a good deal more stress, friction, disruption, and risk than simply staying on a more linear, traditional career path.
When a good change happens, by your own accord or through job transitions, accept it with grace - for yourself and for others. You may not believe you deserve it, or you just may not be ready for it, even if it was of your choosing, but the way to move forward and get the most out of it is to embrace the positivity, however it shows up.
Leaving a job feels big, it is big. But change is one of life's constants, and while we usually don’t notice the little or the expected changes; it’s when you are caught off-guard, even if that change is by our own doing, that we can get discombobulated. The trick is to know that it is just one of the millions of changes that are going to happen in our lives.
Remember, the career change journey, like any major life transition, need not be undertaken alone. Reach out for support when you need it, and remember that you will have good days – and days when you want to crawl back into your comfort zone and stay there. A career transition is not always as easy as we think it will be, we plan for the financial, we brush up our resumes and beef up our LinkedIn profiles, but we rarely plan for the emotional issues - the saying goodbye and letting go.
Plan to say good-bye by acknowledging that we grow as people while we work; we made memories, had laughs, and made friendships. Our co-workers became friends that helped kept us motivated and inspired, even on our bad days. Plan to say good-bye to all that has been associated with that job, the good, the bad, the well-known, and the habitual. Be intentional about it.
Let yourself experience the emotions that come with this change. By changing perspective on the loss and embracing the new horizons you can experience growth in your life and career.
Organizations by Design
Perfectly encapsules the mood of a major change in all aspects of life.